Gender role in Barranquilla and in South Africa

In Barranquilla men is the one who take the leadership on the relationship, the one who work and the only responsable of the family’s affairs, and women take the role of caretaker, is the responsable of have and raise children, but in South Africa the man is less active, because since a few years there has been a great migration in Africa towards cities, especially male migration, leaving women in the countryside charge of family maintenance and cultivation of the land. Her main job is agricultural and most are illiterate. These women are the ones who migrate to the city, they find it difficult to get a job and most work in the commercial sector or as sex workers. Needless to say, regardless of where they live, in the urban or rural perimeter are highly exploited. Also, women are considered as an family’s object and later, as her husband’s object, and the women get married by the union of clans or lineages, not as the union of a couple inlove. It is common to see polygamy in these marriage and it is totally normal and positive, since the greater the number of wives, the greater the number of children, and thus, greater labor to work in the cultivation owned by the family, but the wives can not enjoy the goods that the deceased husband left her. It should be noted that this trend is changing, especially for women in the city, which are winning space in all labor fields, however, in Barranquilla, women have been taking important roles in the labor fields for a long time they are less illiteracy, and the women have more rights within marriage.

In conclusion, the rights of women are not respected in most countries but in South Africa, the aggressors are not punished by the law that is based on the concepts of the African sexist society. however in Colombia the rights of women are rotected by the constitution of the country.

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